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2018 Hermes Leaders Forum

2018 Hermes Leaders Forum 2020-05-03T02:38:34+03:00

Ownership and control in Aviation

The Forum will provide a good opportunity to explore the impact of O&C restrictions on changes in the aviation market. For example, an interesting current development is the effort at international level to promote recognition and acceptance of clauses that focus on the principal place of business of air carriers rather than their ownership and control. At the same time however, new business models based on reducing operating costs by outsourcing have arguably eroded the notion of principal place of business in the EU. What is the experience in other parts of the world?

Is O&C the only remaining element giving airlines an identity allowing a strong link to safety, security and social oversight? Must the liberalisation of O&C go hand in hand with the creation of a new concept of regulatory control? What would this look like? How can national and international authorities provide the best business environment for
airlines while ensuring the highest standards in quality and safety to passengers?