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The Director General of Hermes participates in the Aviation-Event 2022 CLJ

Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General of Hermes, moderated a on—to-one keynote with Rafael Schvartzman, Regional Vice President Europe, IATA. In his opening remarks, Dr Iatrou said that new challenges are ahead for air transport in 2022 with the main topic being the sustainable development of the sector, which is the theme of the 2022 Hermes recommendations.
Keynote speakers were also Dr David Ciceo, CEO of Cluj International Airport & Hermes member and Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director General of ACI & Hermes member.
Dr. Ciceo provided an overview of Romania’s aviation industry and its growing relevance to the country’s ecosystem, delivering important connectivity internationally and domestically, otherwise not served by other modes of travel.
Mr. de Oliveira presented the key achievements, progress and focus areas of the ambitious agenda for ACI’s member airports.
The event was hosted by Cluj International Airport and Romanian Airports Association.
2022-04-05T02:37:42+03:00 March 31st, 2022|News & Announcements|