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The Latin America Air Transport sector in the post COVID-19 era: Resilience and efficiency through Leadership and Cooperation 

The Latin America Air Transport sector in the post COVID-19 era: Resilience and efficiency through Leadership and Cooperation 

Welcome Addresses 

Juan Carlos Salazar, Director General, Aeronautica Civil de Colombia
Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General, Hermes – Air Transport Organisation 

Keynote Addresses
Salvatore Sciacchitano, President of the Council, ICAO 

Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director General, ACI

Leaders Panel


Jeff Poole, President, Hermes – Air Transport Organisation


-Juan Carlos Salazar, Director General, Aeronautica Civil de Colombia

-Jaime Binder, Secretary General, LACAC 

-José Ricardo Botelho, Executive Director & CEO, ALTA 

-Dr Rafael Echevarne, Director General, ACI-LAC

-Javier Vanegas, Director Latin America and Caribbean Affairs, CANSO

-Jeff Peet, Managing Editor, ALA – América Latina Aeronoticias 


Juan Carlos Salazar, Director General, Aeronautica Civil de Colombia

2021-04-20T01:15:09+03:00 April 20th, 2021|Web TV|