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Monthly Archives: September 2022

41st ICAO Assembly, Hermes Reception – 26 September 2022, Montreal, Canada -Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General, Hermes - Air Transport Organisation -Eamonn Brennan, Vice President, Hermes - Air Transport Organisation -Henrik Hololei, Member, Hermes - Air Transport Organisation -Nick Calio, Member, Hermes - Air Transport Organisation -Salvatore Sciacchitano, President of the [...]

2022-11-01T05:48:23+03:00 September 26th, 2022|Web TV|

Hermes hosts a reception at the 41st ICAO Assembly

At the eve of the 41st ICAO Assembly Hermes hosted in ICAO Headquarters a reception with the presence of the leaders of air transport. During the reception Salvatore Sciacchitano, President of the Council of ICAO and Juan Carlos Salazar, Secretary General [...]

2023-01-24T03:53:57+03:00 September 26th, 2022|News & Announcements|

2022 IATA AGM, Hermes Reception – 19 June 2022, Doha, Qatar   Sponsored by A4A Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General, Hermes – Air Transport Organisation Eamonn Brennan, Vice President, Hermes – Air Transport Organisation Henrik Hololei, Member Keith Glatz, Vice President. International Affairs, A4A

2022-09-22T19:54:13+03:00 September 21st, 2022|Web TV|