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Monthly Archives: November 2018

ERA and Hermes sign a reciprocal membership agreement

On 1st November the European Regions Airline Association signed with Hermes a reciprocal membership agreement. The agreement grants reciprocal membership of ERA and Hermes to each other's Association; Each Association will be is listed as a member of the other Dr Kostas Iatrou, [...]

2018-11-18T19:32:03+03:00 November 18th, 2018|News & Announcements|

The Director General presents the report on Ownership and Control in Airlines

Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General of Hermes, participated in two events in November 2018:  at the European Aviation Conference held in Athens (8-9 November) and at the Romanian Airport Association Assembly at Iasi (1-2 November) presenting the report of the Hermes Report Committee [...]

2018-11-18T23:12:04+03:00 November 9th, 2018|News & Announcements|

The Director General participated in the 51st AACO AGM

Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General of Hermes participated at  the 51st Annual General Meeting of the Arab Air Carriers' Organization (AACO), held in Cairo between 5 and 7 November. This attendeance  was provided in the Partnership Exchange Memorandum of Understanding that was signed [...]

2018-11-18T23:16:02+03:00 November 7th, 2018|News & Announcements|