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Monthly Archives: May 2022

Special Presentation of Salzburg Mozarteum Foundation: The Grassi-Medaillon & the Posch-Medallion

The  Grassi-Medaillon & Posch-Medallion were presented in an exclusive event on Saturday 21 May in Athens, Greece to Hermes and Mozarteum Hellas members.   These two objects had never been put before on display outside the museums in Salzburg.   The Grassi-Medaillon is one of [...]

2022-05-26T02:05:09+03:00 May 21st, 2022|News & Announcements|

Hermes Director General meets with the Director General of the Civil Aviation of Kazakhstan & the Governor of the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority

During his visit to Athens the Director General of the Civil Aviation of Kazakhstan, Catalin Radu had the opportunity to meet with the Governor of the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Dr Christos Tsitouras, and Hermes’ Director General, Dr Kostas Iatrou. During [...]

2022-06-11T14:08:54+03:00 May 20th, 2022|News & Announcements|