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Monthly Archives: April 2019

2019 ACI WAGA, Hermes Reception – 2 April, Hong Kong, China Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General, Hermes - Air Transport Organisation Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI & Board Member, Hermes - Air Transport Organisation  

2020-12-04T09:30:17+03:00 April 15th, 2019|Web TV|

Hermes hosted a reception during ACI WAGA in Hong Kong

Hermes hosted the reception on Tuesday 2 April during the ACI WAGA and Conference in Hong Kong with the presence of more than 10 airport CEOs. Dr Kostas Iatrou, Director General of Hermes - Air Transport Organisation, made a short introduction [...]

2023-04-05T01:23:49+03:00 April 2nd, 2019|News & Announcements|